Cool Science Links
Rocks and Minerals Jeopardy http://jeopardylabs.com/play/minerals-and-rocks22 Review game for the study of rocks and minerals.
National Hurricane Center http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/ See current hurricane activity in the Atlantic
Virtual Density http://academic.brooklyn.cuny.edu/geology/leveson/core/graphics/density/density_sim3.html Practice calculating the density of minerals
Charlie is so cool like... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIvVzJ6KZpk Charlie does an amusing skit about the DOPPLER EFFECT
Charlie is so cool like... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Jg0L5lD9bM Charlie talks about why we have a moon and its effect on the Earth
Charlie is so cool like... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPfkBTw6IXM Charlie gives an introduction to Saturn
Charlie is so cool like... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pag1NdPKcYM Charlie talks about why STARS are so cool
The Rock Cycle Song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53lMdHzvGCQ Learn about the Rock Cycle processes
Online Museums http://indianajen.com/2013/02/13/best-online-and-interactive-international-museums/ Online and interactive international museums
The Language of Chemistry http://www.chemistryland.com/CHM130W/06-Nomenclature/LanguageOfChemistry/Language.htm A general guide to distinguishing among all those confusing chemistry terms. Parlez vous la chimie?