• Writer's Block

    WCHS Literary Magazine

    Writer's Block,WCHS's literary magazine, is in its 9th year. Any student may submit writing or art work for possible publication. Students may see Ms. Patterson in room 212 or their English teachera for details.

    Typical categories for submission include

    • poetry
    • short stories
    • personal narratives
    • art work, either sketched by hand or created digitally

    Art work will be chosen for the cover from those submitted and the artist may be asked to add color if the work is selected for the cover. All other art work should be sumitted in black and white.

    Prizes may be awarded to the top scoring work in each category. ONLY ORIGINAL work will be considered.

    Students will be given specific guidelines for submitting to Writer's Block in their Engish classes. Announcements will provide additional information.